Classic Register was created to provide a new and unique service to classic vehicle enthusiasts around the globe. Our objective is to engage with and support the enthusiast community online, and to encourage and promote the great passion that we all share for historic vehicles. This objective is achieved through two systems we've developed on our site; the vehicle Register and vehicle ID-Guides. Classic Register's research, information sharing and promotion of unique vehicles from around the world has enabled us to establish a strong following, and we hope you find our site a useful resource.
The Register:
Perhaps you want to showcase your own classic to others, or maybe you have larger ambitions to create a database of vehicles on behalf of a club, or for your own interest. These are the reasons we created the Register. It's a great place to display your cars, tell their story, or reach out to others who might have information from a vehicle's past. By adding a vehicle to our secure database, you're contributing to preserving history and enabling future enthusiasts to reflect on information that otherwise might be lost.
The Register is also used as a platform to share interesting cars with Classic Register's subscribers. Every day, Classic Register's team finds the most interesting classics offered for sale from around the world, adds these to the Register, and provides a short opinion piece on each. A carefully selected short-list of the best vehicles is then sent to our subscribers through our weekly email. Click "Subscribe" at the top of this page to add yourself to our mailing list.
If you have an interesting or rare classic for sale, or if you've spotted one you think should be shared, please contact us and we will consider including it in our weekly email.
The world of classic cars can be diffcult to navigate at the best of times, but particularly so if you're searching for specific information. Although modern services like Facebook groups, forums, blogs and other dedicated websites have made classic car information more accessible than ever, several problems have arisen. Information is often incomplete, inaccurate, and disorganised across many of these sources, making it particularly time consuming and potentially misleading for enthusiasts seeking comprehensive information about a particular vehicle type. Classic Register's ID-guides aim to take the hard work out of it by sharing research for the benefit of enthusiasts.
The aim of an ID-Guide is to provide a well researched, organised and central information hub for a specific vehicle type. This enables those searching for information to easily find it in one location, instead of trawling through hundreds of threads, posts and search engine results. We've paid particular attention to making these guides informative and visual, so enthusiasts know exactly what they're looking at, or looking for. In drafting these guides, Classic Register makes an effort to consult owners and enthusiasts, and to cross-check information against multiple sources to ensure accuracy. Further, our guides are always open to comment, criticism, and improvement from the community, and we really appreciate it when people make the effort to get in touch with us if they have additional information.
If you think a particular guide is needed, or have information or images we could use for a guide, please don't hesitate to contact us. We appreciate every bit of assistance in what is a very large, long term project here at Classic Register, and we would love to work with you.
Thanks for visiting Classic Register
We encourage you to share Classic Register with anyone you believe may find it useful. Follow us on Facebook, or subscribe to our weekly email for the latest interesting classic vehicles and information from around the world. We hope you have found the site to be a valuable resource.
The Classic Register team.