1975 180B Datsun SSS Coupe 180B (Bluebird 610)

The grave of the unknown 180B. This one is sadly not repairable, so we'll add it for the sake of preserving its memory, and demonstrating how bad rust can get on these 180Bs.. Sad to see a complete car be parted out, but this example is likely headed that way, advertised on facebook Matketplace in December 2022 asking $3,000. We've got a lot of 180B SSS coupes on the register now - see the Datsun 180B SSS register here.

Vehicle details

Added on 29 Dec 2022

Vehicles are added to the register for historical record purposes by owners and enthusiasts. If you have a question about this vehicle, please contact the user that added the vehicle by clicking "Contact Author" below.

Vehicle Location: Country: 
Build date: 
built in 1975
Manual (floor shift)
Paint Colour/Code: 
Black (originally orange?)
Interior Colour/Code: 
Not Available
Engine Type: 
4 cylinder
Engine Fuel Type: 
Petrol (4 stroke)
Engine Number: 
Chassis Number: 