1975 Toyota Corona Mark II Gen 2 X23 Hardtop

Images found online of this MX23 - no idea of location other than being in Austraila. Please contact us to update the cars profile if you have any further deails, See the others on the Toyota Corona Hardtop register.

Vehicle details

Added on 23 Aug 2018

Vehicles are added to the register for historical record purposes by owners and enthusiasts. If you have a question about this vehicle, please contact the user that added the vehicle by clicking "Contact Author" below.

Vehicle Location: Country: 
Build date: 
built in 1975
Manual (floor shift)
Paint Colour/Code: 
Interior Colour/Code: 
Brown vinyl
Engine Type: 
6 cylinder
Engine Fuel Type: 
Petrol (4 stroke)
Engine Number: 
Chassis Number: 