1985 Ford Laser KB Turbo (White Lightning)

4 Door White Lightning. Found in Truganina Vic 16/05/24 from a truck depot, parked up for unknown amount of time.
Has parts that appear to have been taken off another 3 Door White Lightning, interior also appears to have black interior parts from a special-order interior from a KA Laser.

Car currently in repair with intention to get back on the road.

Vehicle details

Added on 21 May 2024

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Vehicle Location: Country: 
Build date: 
built in May 1985
Manual (floor shift)
233,884 km
Paint Colour/Code: 
Interior Colour/Code: 
Engine Type: 
4 cylinder
Engine Fuel Type: 
Petrol (4 stroke)
Engine Number: 
Chassis Number: 