1993 Mercedes C140 S500 Coupe

Another interesting C140 advertised through Grays Online - see the original ad here. This original example of an early series car (1993) sold for $18,000 in March 2022, which is a great result considering the car has large Ks at 270,000!  Still, it appears to be well kept with excellent service records, so it goes to show the importance of those. The seller indicated everything was in reasonable working order, but of course it's hard to know with these cars and there are so many intricate things that the owner may not be aware aren't working (such as the air bladder bolsters in the seats which seem to leak in all cars).

Great to see some price rises for these coupes. We have quite a number of Australian delivered examples on the register now.

Vehicle details

Added on 15 Mar 2022

Vehicles are added to the register for historical record purposes by owners and enthusiasts. If you have a question about this vehicle, please contact the user that added the vehicle by clicking "Contact Author" below.

Vehicle Location: Country: 
Build date: 
built in June 1993
Automatic (floor shift / T bar)
270,000 km
Paint Colour/Code: 
Silver over grey
Interior Colour/Code: 
Grey leather
Engine Type: 
8 cylinder
Engine Fuel Type: 
Petrol (4 stroke)
Engine Number: 
Chassis Number: 